How video games can fund gun manufacturers

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In the realm of video games, one of the popular genre that sells very well are first person shooters. Its a game played in the view of the protagonist. The trend that most FPS shooters go for is realism in terms of the gun play. In order to get a actual representation, with a recognizable trademark and brand, requires a licensing so it may be shown in their game.

"In exchange for the use of their intellectual property, manufacturers would stipulate that the weapons in the games be portrayed realistically and positively. Money rarely changed hands, but the relationship was symbiotic: Game companies got verisimilitude from featuring trademarked guns; gun manufacturers got easy, free exposure, on their terms" Atlantic Article.   

So what does this mean? Well, gun manufacturers are essentially getting free advertisement. Many video gamers of the first person genre can easily recognize a gun because of how these guns are represented in video games. Even children who can potentially be new gun owners can be influenced into purchasing guns because of how recognizable guns are due to video games.

Check out this article if you're curious. Here.


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